Back in 2005, two days before my 38th birthday, I began work on what would become the Son Tarot. Of all my projects, this was the most life changing and it attests to the healing power of the Tarot. As I created the Son Tarot, I had to meditate deeply on what it would mean to put myself 'inside' each card. By doing this progressively for each image as I designed the deck, I emerged from a dark period of depression which had lasted several years, as well as dealing with my self acceptance issues. In effect, the Tarot taught me my worth and gave me the ability to enjoy and celebrate being me. As this deck is so personal, it was a great privilege to have it published, along with its companion book by Schiffer in 2012. Here's a new Youtube video I've just created to showcase the deck. If the Son Tarot does nothing else, let it remind you that every time you pick up any one of your own decks, you're holding one of the most powerfully transformative tools you're ever likely to encounter.